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Stroud Futures workshop - 25 June 2013

Thursday 20th June, 2013

Nicholas Falk has lived in Stroud for over 20 years and has a keen interest in the smarter growth of this Market Town.  The Stroud area is under continuous development pressure and as the emerging Local Plan proceeds towards its final version now is the time to be thinking beyond the current plan period to ensure that there is a strategic long term framework which will provide a context to the Local Plan.  Together with colleagues Hugh Barton, Max Comfort and Leonora Rozee a workshop has been organised for 25 June 2013 to discuss where Stroud is going.  You can view the Stroud Futures paper;  Framework for Smarter Growth | to 2031 and Beyond which forms the basis of a briefing paper for the workshop event. 

Date:                       Tuesday 25th June 2013

Time:                       3.30 – 6.30 pm

Location:                Old Town Hall, The Shambles, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 1AP

Contact us:             If you have any queries please contact the organisers or Dr Nicholas Falk on 07811266538 or nicholas@urbed.com

 This afternoon workshop will bring together a range of key players who will debate how to:

  • make the most of Stroud’s rich heritage of rail, water and road transportation networks
  • protect its natural environmental quality
  • and promote health, well-being and low carbon living.

We will discuss the adoption of a ‘Smarter Growth’ strategy for the long term growth of the Stroud area and a set of priorities and principles that will assist in planning that future in a way that provides certainty to citizens and investors. For example, what is the potential for creating a number of exemplary low carbon developments to deflect pressures from valued green spaces and make the most of the transport corridor running through the Stroud Valleys?

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