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Land for Housing: URBED Trust Research

Monday 13th May, 2019

Nicholas Falk of the URBED Trust has made several contributions to recent conversation about land allocation for housing, appearing within the Guardian and the Financial Times within the last couple of weeks.

His"Land for Housing"  report is cited within a reponse to the recent Guardian article: ‘The capital versus the rest’ is a crude way of looking at England, and shows how Dutch and German cities have created fairer places, which offer models for rebalancing our towns and cities, and creating a more united country. These countries use public planning to lead regeneration as well as build more affordable housing.

Also featuring in the Financial Times at the end of April, Nicholas Falk's "Land for Housing" report discusses more radical ways to allocate land, and compensate landowners, in relation to the Labour government's propositions to accelerate low-cost housebuilding.


The articles and report can be read at the links within the text, or downloaded from the URBED website here:

1) Land for Housing Report: https://eu.awp.autotask.net/2/filelink/csl6q-bx23nyc-qjyzbeak

2) Financial Times article: https://eu.awp.autotask.net/2/filelink/csl6q-bx23nuc-esshjf7j



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