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Growing Historic Cities: A Symposium

Tuesday 6th September, 2016

Next Monday, 12 September, David and Nick will be in Oxford for the Historic Towns Forum's event "Growing Historic Cities: A Symposium".

The Symposium is promoted by Historic Towns Forum, URBED and Oxford City Council together with the city of Grenoble. 


This conference will draw together lessons from leading examples of recent growth in both the UK and Europe. It will enable local politicians, officers and professional practitioners to discuss how to secure quality investment while improving both the built and the natural environment.  A particular focus in be on funding local infrastructure, working with Local Authorities, and securing quality. 

The event will feature case studies from three leading examples of historic cities that have benefitted from planned growth: 

Cambridge, a world university , where new housing is being developed on land taken out of the greenbelt, linked by a Guided Busway, with business parks around the edge of the city

Grenoble, France’s premier science city, where five tram lines have enabled the city to expand, while the historic centre has become a place to relax, hosting offices of leading engineering companies 

Freiburg, Germany’s award winning ‘Solar Capital’, where the new extensions of Vauban and Rieselfeld are influencing developments all over Europe.”

More information here including details of available tickets. 

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