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FIRE at Squash Nutrition!!

Wednesday 14th October, 2015

Late morning on Sunday 11th October, disaster struck at Squash Nutrition!

There was a fire on the site, which has badly affected the timber frame of the building, meaning it will probably need to be taken down and re-built. 

It looks like the fire was started deliberately. No-one was hurt, and the fire brigade were able to get the fire under control, and the main structure stayed up and didn't collapse (and we can confirm that Warmcel cellulose insulation definitely does not burn! - not that we ever wanted to find out like this). However, there is now a lot of work that will need to be re-done, and there may be new unforseen costs and hurdles for the project. 

The project team are upset, but determined to carry on. What would have been an opening in the new year - we were about 8 weeks away from project completion - will now be an opening in Spring 2016.

If you want to help or find out more, then follow this link to a page set up by Squash Nutrition.

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