Walsall’s Way Ahead

This Wayfinding Strategy Document - ‘Walsall’s Way Ahead’ - reviews how people navigate the town centre. We have looked at all stages of people’s routes round town, from their approach and arrival to patterns of circulation, and assessed how to make way finding around central Walsall easier for all. With footfall being the lifeblood of Walsall’s retail core, the primary objective has been to support existing busy footfall routes, and open up underused ones.

The overarching aim is to help Walsall present its varied asset base as a more unified town centre offer.

This Draft Strategy reviews different techniques for improving way finding. It then sets out what Walsall has to gain by embracing the concept, and provides an analysis of the town’s challenges and opportunities.

Finally, it offers a localised strategy and action plan to guide action as resources become available.

The Cloverleaf pattern identified in Walsall

We have based our ideas around the ‘Clover-Leaf’ shape that underlies the town’s street map.

‘Spatial artistry’ can create a memorable town. Art can play the roles of ‘orientation and information’ - and also stimulation. In other words, it is both easy to naturally navigate the streets, and also to gain awareness of what makes the town tick.

We would like to thank the Steering Group of  council officers and stakeholders from the College, Art Gallery and Manor Hospital.

Our work has also been informed by consultation with wider stakeholders in Walsall, including traders, businesses, West Midlands police and the general public.

The Cloverleaf pattern identified in Walsall