P+H Consultation Event June 2013

The proposals for the sites at the Meadows, presented in November 2012, were generally well received by the residents and the local community. In recent months, the design team have been developing and updating the proposals. The proposed scheme is a residential development of 74 new homes. We are going to be displaying the proposals on Wednesday 5th June at 2 exhibitions in the Meadows, Nottingham, details are below. Please come along and let us know your views on the proposals.

Wednesday 5th June:

Exhibition 1: 1pm-3pm
The Meadows One Stop Shop
5-7 Bridgeway Centre
The Meadows

Exhibition 2: 4pm-7pm
The Embankment
(Entrance off Bathley St)
282-284 Arkwright St
Trent Bridge

Alternatively if you can’t make either of these sessions, please take a look at the proposals below or download the consultation material here and fill in an online questionnaire letting us know your views on the plans via email, or get in touch via facebook or twitter.

For any more information please contact Emily at URBED on 0161 200 5500 or email emily@urbed.coop

To receive news and updates about the consultation process and planning application please sign up to the Pitcairn and Hobart newsletter here.
