TEN Group 2003-2004 (Series 01)
The Ten Group held their first meeting in June 2003. The Group came together at the invitation of URBED (Urban and Economic Development Group), following initial discussions with some senior local authority officers about training needs in the context of the urban renaissance agenda.
The initial discussions made it clear that what they wanted was not a formal ‘training programme’, but to come together, informally, to share ideas and exchange knowledge. They welcomed the space for blue sky thinking and reflecting with like minds, to counter the isolation of those working in environmental and development fields. Overall what they wanted was the opportunity to explore how to use the powers available to them to effect change and discover techniques for facilitating change.
Ten individuals signed up to a pilot year of six small-style discussions, based on projects within participants’ authorities.
Six meetings took place in the first year, hosted by members in Camden, Southwark, Milton Keynes, Ealing, Haringey and Ilford, and the numbers attending made for constructive discussion. Optional study tours preceded discussion and proved popular. A number of themes was included with the Group’s agreement, from ‘developing major sites as exemplified by King’s Cross’ to ‘developing capacity among young staff’, and issues of shared interest ranged from ‘combatting fatigue in the long drawn out development process’ to ‘housing-led regeneration’. Briefing packs relating to the issues were distributed beforehand (see attachment), and summaries of the meetings were written up and circulated.
Ideas emerged from discussions for other action, and the fast-track action learning programme for young planners was to move forward with Ealing and Haringey. Other future action points were raised during the first series, such as looking at ways Planning Grant might be used as funding.
Members 2003-2004:
Craig Anderson, Director of Environment, Reading Borough Council | John Best, Chief Executive, Milton Keynes Council | Peter Bishop, Director of Environment, LB Camden
Paul Clark, Chief Planning Officer, LB Redbridge | Chris Donovan, Assistant Director (Strategy, Planning and Regeneration), LB Bexley | Marc Dorfman, Director of Regeneration, LB Ealing | Paul Evans, Strategic Director of Regeneration, LB Southwark | Phillip Goodwin, Director of Planning and Development, LB Croydon | David Hennings, Director of Strategic | Planning, LB Haringey | Richard Simmons, Director of Development and Environment, Medway Council