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"We were born in the 80s": A History of the Joyce Layland LGBT Centre

Thursday 22nd January, 2015

Emily Crompton will lead a walking trail mapping the political, economic and social background of how Manchester built Europe’s first Gay Centre.

This 2 hour walking tour will follow the story of how Manchester became one of the first places to have an entirely publicly funded, purpose built centre for the gay community. We will follow the money, as it were, from the Town Hall to Canal Street and then to Sidney Street and one of the city’s most diverse urban blocks, home to an evangelical church and conference centre, a plethora of fast-food takeaways, Manchester’s Islamic Centre, a vegan wholefoods cooperative and the LGBT Centre!
The story is one of unlikely success in the face of public funding cuts, some hostile political foes and an infamous 140 signature petition. It is also one which perfectly shows the change in public sector funding from the 80s to the present day. Above all, it is a heartening story of community spirit and perseverance. We will also look forward to the future of the LGBT Centre.

Start: Manchester Town Hall main entrance, Albert Square
Finish: Sidney Street Café with tea and cake
Time: Meet 1:45pm for a 2pm start
Contact: email Emily Crompton, or call Emily on 0161 200 5511

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