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Rebuild the tax base to fund services

Thursday 14th March, 2013

Nicholas Falk was published in the Guardian yesterday commenting on rebuilding the tax base. His letter reads:

"Polly Toynbee uncovers important failings in the tax system when she says that wealth taxes only deliver 6% of revenues, with most of the wealth tied up in housing (Comment, 12 March). Even worse, the system does not secure enough long-term investment in the energy, waste, water and transport systems. Instead it leads to inflated prices for existing assets such as housing, thus reinforcing inequalities, while local authorities are drained of resources. We need a more intelligent tax system, as in some of the European countries that have outpaced us. Taxes on fixed assets like land values should be used, as in Copenhagen, to fund new transport systems through urban development. Similarly taxes on employers' payrolls in France help fund local transit systems. A review of our antiquated and unfair tax system needs to be linked with securing better returns from capital investments (as I argue in a pamphlet published by the Town and Country Planning Association)."
Nicholas Falk
URBED(Urbanism Environment Design)

You can read articles surrounding Nicholas's letter on the Guardian website by clicking here

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