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'Powering Down' Community Energy sector survey

Tuesday 26th May, 2015

Along with our friends at Carbon Coop we are carrying out a short survey on Community Energy groups and their involvement and interest in energy efficient retrofit. 

The survey can be filled in online here. Please fill in and pass on to others who you think may be able to help us.

The last five years have seen increasing interest from the Community Energy sector in delivering energy efficiency and retrofit projects. However, despite a commitment in principle to fabric first and whilst many models exist for the delivery of community renewables, none are currently viable for retrofit with activity often limited to door knocking, basic home energy assessments and behavioural change.

As an organisation that has done much on whole house retrofit, Carbon Co-op would like to encourage and support others to do likewise.

The survey we've designed is designed to understand the state of the sector, the relative interest in carrying out energy efficient retrofit and to understand some of the barriers to this.

We will feedback the results of this survey to the Community Energy wider sector in an anonymous form as well as the outcomes of a Powering Down seminar we are holding towards the end of June.

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