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Pakistan Calling

Monday 8th April, 2013

Today the Samosa launches a major project with the RSA called Pakistan Calling.

As some of you may know, long-time URBED associate Anwar Akhtar also runs the Samosa, a unique online platform, which seeks to facilitate creative cooperation between Britain, Pakistan and the Diaspora. Today (8th April 2013) the Samosa launches a major project with the RSA called Pakistan Calling which aims to showcase and disseminate a different, more positive discourse among the British Pakistani diaspora and wider British public about Pakistan and its social challenges.

The site provides a platform for film-makers in Pakistan and the UK, and articulates the many relationships between Britain and Pakistan. As the RSA says ‘events in Lahore and Karachi affect families and communities in Bradford and Manchester and we are aiming to build stronger links between Pakistani social projects, the British Pakistani diaspora and a wider group of social entrepreneurs in the UK, fostering positive dialogue about Pakistan in Britain’. 

This is an important initiative and we encourage all URBED’s friends and associates to take a few moments to look at the Pakistan Calling site and to get involved in a very worthwhile project.


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