
Wednesday 12th October, 2011
Tuesday 23rd August, 2011
Thursday 11th August, 2011
Thursday 28th July, 2011
Tuesday 8th June, 2010
Sunday 16th May, 2010
Tuesday 30th March, 2010

David Rudlin to take part in Debate at The Bartlett:

Monday 24th November, 2014

Are urban extensions the answer to Britain's sustainable urban future?

This is the first in a series of 'Bartlett's December Urban Sustainability Debates'. This year's debate reflect on whether urban extensions and new towns are the answer to Britain's sustainable urban future and looks at the 2014 Wolfson Prize winning entry by URBED's David Rudlin with Nicholas Falk.

'David Rudlin argues for the near-doubling of existing large towns in line with garden city principles, to provide 86,000 new homes for 150,000 people built over the next 30-35 years. The entry imagines a fictional town called Uxcester to develop the concept, and applies that concept to Oxford as a case study, showing how Oxford could rival the strategy adopted by Cambridge for growth and expansion. David argues that there may be as many as 40 cities in England that could be doubled in size in this way, such as York, Norwich, Stafford and Cheltenham'. (Policy Exchange 2014).

Do you agree or disagree with him? Are his proposals a potential blueprint for more sustainable development in Britain? Come and Debate!


David Rudlin, URBED


Kate Henderson, TCPA

Anne Power, LSE

Peter Bishop, Bartlett and Allies & Morrison

Organised by:

Cataline Turca, Bartlett

11th December 2014, 10am- 1pm, at The Venue, UCU, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY. Attendance is free with no need to register.