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Manchester International Festival to host Britain's first vertical farm in 2013

Thursday 11th August, 2011

Here is a link to Charlie and Steve Conner from Creative Concern talking to the MEN about Alpha Farm.

Manchester could be at the forefront of an ‘agricultural revolution’ if a radical plan to solve the world’s food crisis takes off.

Organisers of Manchester’s International Festival 2013 want to turn a disused tower block in Wythenshawe into Britain’s first ‘vertical farm’.

The idea has already been attempted in cities around the world. But it will be trialled for the first time in this country in Wythenshawe at a derelict office block, named Alpha House.

The multi-storey greenhouse will use modern farming techniques, such as hydroponics and aquaponics, to produce vegetables including lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers as well as supporting fish, chickens and bees.

It is hoped the farm will be able to grow enough food to supply the international festival in 2013.

But Steve Connor, CEO of Creative Concern which is spearheading the project, said the people of Wythenshawe are central to its success. We want to do this with the community of Wythenshawe,” he said.

“It’s the perfect place to kick it off. You’ve got a town centre that’s being revitalised, a certain amount of food activity in terms of the allotments – there’s every hope we’ll be able to unlock a significant amount of local support. It’s really critical.”

Architect Charlie Baker explained the decision to choose a tower block. He said: “The primary interest is that it’s already there as an unused office building. If you search Google for ‘vertical farms’ you will mostly see architecturally-produced images – but in a lot of cases they’re not wildly practical. Our view was, if you’re going to show a way of growing food inside a building, you might as well use one no one wants any more.

“From a modern building point of view, it’s a bit of a basket case. The windows are single-glazed and there’s no insulation. If we can make it work here we can make it work anywhere.”

The idea of vertical farming was first proposed by Professor Dickson Despommier, of Columbia University in New York, who came to Manchester to help launch the project.

If successful, it is hoped vertical farms could take off across Greater Manchester.

“What happens after depends on how well it works,” said Charlie. “But I hope it builds into a hub for home-grown food across the north west.

“Manchester has a heritage of making ideas work. We led the industrial revolution – why can’t we lead an agricultural one?”

August 09, 2011

Manchester Evening News

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  • Charlie and Steve Connor from Creative Concern