
Wednesday 12th October, 2011
Tuesday 23rd August, 2011
Thursday 11th August, 2011
Thursday 28th July, 2011
Tuesday 8th June, 2010
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Tuesday 30th March, 2010

Community Connects Workshops - ENW

Thursday 21st June, 2018

Electricity North West are running a series of workshops aimed at volunteers and employees in the community and local energy sectors.

"Community Connects" is being delivered by a partnership of organisation who each bring unique expertise from working with the sectoe and will deliver a workshop in their specialist area. URBED in collaboration with Carbon Coop is runing one on energy efficiency in Lancaster on 17th October 2018. 

For more details or to sign up visit the website here: https://www.enwl.co.uk/about-us/engaging-with-our-stakeholders/stakeholder-engagement-events-calendar/