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Brick by Brick, Loaf by Loaf - CLT Network Awards

Thursday 24th May, 2012

The work of local people in Anfield, URBED and Liverpool Biennial, has been recognised by the National Community Land Trust Network. On Tuesday night some of the members of the newly formed ‘Home Baked’ CLT attended the 2012 Community Land Trust Network awards, where they were presented with an award for excellence in community engagement. This was granted in recognition of the long term and in depth work with local young people and residents in 2Up 2Down/ Homebaked, in both the design and the governance of the scheme.

In the words of lead artist Jeanne van Heeswijk, the aim has been to enable local people to ‘take matters into their own hands’ in an area subject to years of top-down regeneration plans. Intensive design participation workshops with young people and CLT members have been facilitated by URBED, producing plans for the low-energy retrofit of existing empty terraced houses and a bakery in Anfield. The CLT board is made up of a majority of local residents, who will take responsibility for managing the planned low-energy housing retrofit scheme. The ground floor bakery development, which provides a public face to the scheme and will bring back to life a local landmark ‘Mitchell’s Bakery’, will be run as a cooperative controlled by local people. URBED are continuing to work with the CLT and Liverpool Biennial to bring these plans to fruition, and have recently run a design workshop without young people and CLT members looking at the detailed design and needs of the bakery space.

Related projects

  • Bakery on 199 Oakfield Road