Orchard Park

Young people in Orchard Park
Young people in Orchard Park
My bedroom
My bedroom
Youth club
Youth club
Young people in Orchard Park
Young people in Orchard Park
Project date
  • Publication
Yorkshire and the Humber
Gateway Pathfinder
Associated team members
Associated documents

URBED worked with Gateway Pathfinder to create an engagement and capacity building programme for tenants and residents in the Orchard Park area of Hull. Its aim was to help understanding of the regeneration agenda, including sustainable communities and involvement with spatial planning, masterplanning and the development process.

URBED worked in a variety of methods to try and take as many people in the community as possible through the process of developing their own visions for the future of the area. After various consultation events it was agreed that the best and most effective way to do this was to create a photography book using Charlie Baker's professional shots of the area alongside pictures taken by young people from Orchard Park. Members of the community added their comments to the book and the final product can be used as a conversation piece about the challenges that lie ahead in regenerating this area. The book was published in late 2006.

Project blog