Igloo SRI Policy

Rooftops of Copenhagen
Rooftops of Copenhagen
The bike tour in Copenhagen
The bike tour in Copenhagen
Turning Torso in Malmo
Turning Torso in Malmo
A good street in Malmo
A good street in Malmo
Project date
  • Guidance
Associated team members
Associated documents

URBED develops and audits the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) policy for Igloo Regeneration Ltd. Igloo is a partnership of pension and life funds managed by Morley Fund Management which invests in and develops urban regeneration sites across the UK. Igloo currently has 23 projects with a completed development value of £2.5bn creating 8,500 homes and 10,000 jobs on around 250 acres of Brownfield land. Igloo continues to market for further equity and is actively assessing new development opportunities on the fringes of the UK's top twenty city centres.

Its joint ventures include Blueprint (EMDA and English Partnerships) and Isis (British Waterways and AMEC). The aim of the SRI policy is to screen and assess urban regeneration schemes for their SRI characteristics. URBED assesses the performance of Igloo scheme against 16 policies under three SRI themes:

  • Regeneration – Investing in the regeneration of the social, physical and economic fabric of urban neighbourhoods;
  • Environmental Sustainability – Investing in urban development and patterns of resource use that are more environmentally sustainable;
  • Urban Design – Investing in an urban renaissance through the design of buildings and public realm that are distinctive, vibrant and urban in character.

Assessment takes place at key stages in the development process, including site acquisition, outline and detailed planning, construction and post-occupancy. SRI policy implementation is steered by the Socially Responsible Investment Committee which comprises:

  • Sir Jonathan Porritt, Chair of the Sustainable Development Commission and Founder Director of Forum for the Future
  • Professor Anne Power, London School of Economics
  • Paul King, WWF Director of Campaigns One Million Sustainable Homes Programme
  • George Fergusson, Immediate Past President of RIBA.

Committee secretariat is provided by Forum for the Future. The Committee’s terms of reference are to provide scrutiny of the review SRI policy performance audits and to advise on means of continuous improvement to the Policy and its implementation.

see igloo website here

Project blog

24.11.2011, 20:40
Bermondsey Square: Stage Four Assessment

As assessors of Igloo's 'Footprint' Sustainable Investment Policy, URBED have been asked to out a post-completion assessment of the developoment at Bermondsey Square in London. This development, completed in 2008, has already been assessed at the design and construction stages. Working with Professor Tim Dixon of The Oxford Institute of Sustainable Development,  this final assessment under 'Footprint' is intended to test whether the scheme is performing as expected against Igloo's policies on 'Regeneration', 'Environmental Sustainability' and 'Urban Design'. Lessons from this will inform future Igloo developments and the implementation of the policy itself.
