GLA Sustainable Suburbs Toolkit

Project date
  • Research
Greater London
Associated team members
Associated documents

The Toolkit is being funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA), the London Development Agency (LDA) and the Association of London Government (ALG). It follows on from URBED's earlier report A City of Villages, which recommended over 70 policies under a number of themes, many of which have now been incorporated into the Mayor's recently published London Plan.The themes are:- Reinforcing the role of local centres- Making new development sustainable- Improving the existing housing stock- Promoting alternatives to travel by car- Improving environmental sustainability- Protecting and promoting suburban employment- Improving the quality of design and the public realm- Enhancing community cohesion and safetyThe report also began to develop some implementation processes, initially covering neighbourhood management, green communities, energy agencies and local transport partnerships.URBED will again be working with the Town and Country Planning Association in order to involve interested practitioners and policy makers and others with an interest in London and its suburbs. The project will draw on advice from a wide range of experts. It will include a number of discussion groups (organised in conjunction with the TCPA and other bodies such as the London Sustainability Exchange). The work will also focus on a number of case studies, including at least one in each of London's sub-regions and covering the range of typical suburban situations.The Best Practice Guidance was published in 2006 and can be downloaded from this site.  'Tomorrows Suburbs pilot reports' which led on from the BPG, can be found on the Mayor of London's website

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