Chesterfield Town Centre

Chesterfield Masterplan June 2009
Chesterfield Masterplan June 2009
Chesterfield's Urban Form
Chesterfield's Urban Form
Spire Neighbourhood bu Sauce Architecture
Spire Neighbourhood bu Sauce Architecture
Chesterfield Town Centre : Consultation
Chesterfield Town Centre : Consultation
Project date
  • Consultation
  • Masterplanning
Yorkshire and the Humber
Chesterfield Borough Council
Associated team members
Associated documents

URBED were commissioned by Chesterfield Borough Council for the review and update for the Chesterfield Town Centre Masterplan, its immediate surrounds and key gateways to the town.  For this project, URBED have teamed up with DTZ, ARUP Associates, Sauce Architects and Urban Space Management.

Our feeling is that the Scott Wilson work remains fundamentally robust in most of its basic analysis and proposals; the challenge for Chesterfield now is to stimulate delivery on the design and development opportunities that remain outstanding, and to creatively identify new ones that capture the imagination of residents, funders and the wider market.

The URBED team’s approach to this work has therefore been based on the two key objectives:


  • To explore and set out steps that will ‘unblock’ delivery of the best ideas yet to be realised from the 2004 plan, including harnessing the power of Chesterfield market as an attractor, innovative re-use of the magnificent former Magistrates Court as an iconic arts and cultural centre or similar, and the need to radically improve the environment along the busy road and rail gateways.
  • To highlight new and existing opportunities as part of a more compelling overall vision that can help promote Chesterfield and drive further investment around the town.

The Questionnaire used to ask people's views on the proposed masterplan for Chesterfield can be viewed here

Project blog
