Planning Application Submitted

A full planning application was submitted to Nottingham City Council on 19th July 2013 for each of the three parts of the scheme on Pitcairn Close, Hobart Close and Wilford Crescent West.

The applications are currently being processed by the council but you can follow and view each application here:

Pitcairn Close: 13/01719/PFUL3

Hobart Close/ Bathley Street: 13/01718/PFUL3

Wilford Crescent West: 13/01720/PFUL3


The Design and Access Statement (D&A) for each of the sites and our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which was submitted as part of the planning application can also be viewed under downloads>


Housetypes and Sizes

We have had some interest in the types and sizes of the houses in our proposals. This information has been provided below:

Housetype                                                        Width x Length 


A2                           4 bedroom, 3 storey       5.9m x 9.9m – this unit has an integral garage

C1/C2                     4 bedroom, 3 storey       4.7m x 9.5m

R1                           3 bedroom, 2 storey       5m x 11m

R2                           3 bedroom, 2 storey       4.9m x 10.1m

S1                           2 bedroom, 2 storey       4.3m x 10.7m

S2                           2 bedroom, 2 storey       4m x 10.4m