AGMA Energy Study

AGMA Onshore Wind resource
AGMA Onshore Wind resource
AGMA Future House Growth
AGMA Future House Growth
AGMA Electricity Use
AGMA Electricity Use
AGMA Case Study Context Plan
AGMA Case Study Context Plan
AGMA Case Study Proposal Plan
AGMA Case Study Proposal Plan
Project date
  • Energy
North West England
Associated team members
Associated documents

URBED together with Faber Maunsell and Quantum Strategy & Technology were commissioned by AGMA in November 2008 to carry out a sustainable energy assessment for the Greater Manchester region.  This involved examining options for the decentralisation of energy and zero carbon buildings, and identifying the most appropriate energy mix for delivering new development and growth aspirations across Greater Manchester.

The delivery of zero carbon buildings and decentralised energy will be a challenge and information on feasibility, implementation and technologies will continue to change. Nevertheless, it is essential that AGMA begins to identify a strategic sub regional framework and locally specific evidence base to support emerging Core Strategies and other development projects within Greater Manchester. 

The projects objectives are taken from the PPS1 Climate Change Supplement and the Draft Practice Guide. Paragraphs 18-32 of the PPS (and 3.11-3.12 of the Draft Practice Guide) where it outlines local requirements and directs that planning authorities should have an evidenced based understanding of local feasibility and potential for renewable and low-carbon technologies, including microgeneration, to supply new development in their area.

The timescales for progressing and completing this work has been demanding; the project focused on providing sufficient strategic evidence to enable Core Strategies to set minimum targets for heat and power and identify opportunities for linking new development and supporting energy infrastructure with existing communities.  These targets will clearly relate to a broad framework for achieving zero carbon buildings by 2016 and 2019 and on / off site delivery mechanisms such as Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Project blog
