Whatever happened to enterprise development?
Bankside BID, London
Venue: 15 Hatfields
Date: 11th November 2015
Chair: Nicholas Falk
Keynote Speaker: John Burton, Urban Space Management
Speakers: Gillian Harwood, Sarah Jarvis and Paul Swinney
URBED’s roots lie in the relationship between small scale enterprise and the built environment. To this end we were involved in our early days with workspace provision, managed workspace (such as the Chubb Factory in Wolverhampton) and developments like Merton Abbey Mills, the former Liberty silk printing works that we converted to with Eric Reynolds of Urban Space Management.
On the other side of the coin ran a number of programmes to train and mentor small business as part of the government’s Enterprise Allowance Scheme. We had a team of staff in our London office planning and running these courses and we dealt with scores of self-employed people and small businesses. Later we ran training courses in entrepreneurial management skills for voluntary groups working with a manager from IBM.
This event will explore the legacy of this process and how the work of enterprise training and development was delivered in the past, and continues today. We will bring it up to date by looking at the pop-up movement and the recent upsurge in small business formation since the start of the recession.