Second Consultation Workshop - Thank you!

A big thank you to all those who attended our second consultation workshop at the Enterprise South Liverpool Academy on Tuesday 16th April. We were pleased to hear that participants were optimistic about our plans for Garston, your comments and feedback was very much appreciated.

The presentation given at the beginning of the session can be viewed under downloads. This provides information on our analysis of the Garston area and recommendations for the future. Following the presentation, participants were asked a number of questions and their feedback has been summarised in a briefing note which is available to view under downloads >


What next?

Following feedback from the workshop, the URBED team will be meeting with the council to develop the final plans. 

We will be exhibiting at the South Liverpool Homes Neighbours Day on Friday 31st May, so please come along. More details will be sent out closer to the time via our mailing list, so please sign up if you wish to keep up to date with progress.


Photo from Workshop

Participants at the workshop