A New Vision for York

Report Cover
Report Cover
Project date
  • Publication
  • Research
Yorkshire and the Humber
Without Walls
Associated team members
Associated documents

A report by URBED based on a range of consultation events sets out a vision and strategic framework for the future of York - published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

There has been a good response to URBEDs report setting out a possible vision and strategic framework for the City of York. The report was sponsored and has been published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, from which hard copies can be purchased at 13.95, or it can be accessed through their website.The report was prepared for Without Walls, the Local Strategic Partnership, and is based on an extensive series of consultations, reviews of earlier studies, and comparisons with similar places in Britain and mainland Europe.The report focuses on the priority of improving access, and the idea of Smart Growth, in which new development is concentrated along transport corridors at higher densities, applying the principles of sustainability and accessibility to ensure that the benefits are felt by all. The report sets out six strategic themes and twenty-five tangible outcomes, and is intended to stimulate discussion in the run-up to producing Yorks first Community strategy.

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