Accrington Town Centre Masterplan
- Project date
- 01.06.2007
- Type
- Masterplanning
- Location
- North West England
- Clients
- Hyndburn Borough Council
- Associated team members
- Associated documents
URBED were appointed to produce a masterplan for Accrington town centre, which was needed to direct investment and define a vision and sustainable strategy for the town building on its strong community, unique heritage assets, independent retailers, popular local market , victorian arcade and surrounding countryside. The masterplan outline steps to ensure Accrington develops as a vibrant and key destination in Pennine Lancashire contributing to the Elevate housing market renewal programme.
As towns present multi-faceted issues and require tailored solutions URBED were supported by other specialist practices including Bucknall Austin, WSP, Erskine, Paul Butler Associates and Landscape Projects. The work builds on the town centre regeneration strategy developed by the town centre regeneration board and recent work by the University of Sheffield who have developed some creative design proposals for key public spaces within the town.
The team undertook a town centre walkabout with local councillors and business representatives and a stakeholder workshop was held in June 2007 at which participants were able to share their views and thoughts on the good, the bad and potential solutions for the town. The masterplan was also informed by further stakeholder and resident consultation.
The masterplan has now been adopted by the Council as an Area Action Plan. The Accrington Area Action Plan (AAP) forms part of the Local Development Framework (a set of planning documents which will eventually replace the Local Plan) for Hyndburn Borough Council. The AAP is a formal Development Plan Document and sets of the statutory planning policy for how Accrington town centre will change over the next 10-20 years.
The APP does not just focus upon setting the policy framework against which planning applications will be assessed, but it will consider how the regeneration of the town centre should be proactively delivered and co-ordinated by the public and private sectors in partnership. The Council adopted the AAP on the 19th January 2012 along with the Core Strategy.