Tameside Decentralised Energy and Zero Carbon Energy Planning

Tameside Decentralised and Zero Energy Planning
Tameside Decentralised and Zero Energy Planning
Project date
  • Energy
  • Guidance
  • Research
  • Strategy
North West England
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Associated team members
Associated documents

The aim of this study produced in collaboration with AECOM for TMBC was to strengthen Tameside’s evidence base for it’s emerging LDF Core Strategy energy policies. Consistency is required with the PPS1 Supplement on Planning and Climate Change and the AGMA Decentralised and zero carbon energy planning study.

In line with the requirements of PPS1 Supplement on Climate Change and building on the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities’ (AGMA) ‘Decentralised and zero carbon energy planning’ study, Tameside wishes to strengthen the evidence base for it’s emerging Core Strategy energy policies. The Local Development Scheme currently anticipates adoption of the new Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy in 2013 and this study will therefore form a key part of the evidence base.

The study will therefore have an important role to play in helping the Council to put in place a locally specific evidence base for its LDF Core Strategy energy and carbon reduction policies and in supporting the implementation by Building Control of future revisions of Part L of the Building Regulations.

But an equally important role will be to place this in the context of projections for future growth and development, and identify stakeholders who will need to be involved in making the strategic investment that will be required.

The AGMA decentralised and zero carbon energy study highlighted the importance of a number of focal points for growth and development within Tameside as well as highlighting strategic opportunities associated with:

  • Major centres and district centres – including Ashton, Hyde, Stalybridge, Droylsden, Dukinfield, Denton, Hattersley and Mossley;
  • Housing and regeneration sites – including sites following on from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) which will be identified in the emerging Core Strategy and any associated allocations;
  • Employment locations – including sites following from the Employment Land Study and as identified and graded in the employment land Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) as well as strategic sites such as Ashton Moss and the St Petersfield area;
  • Existing district heating networks and large public sector sites – including transfer stock managed by New Charter and Peak Valley, the Civic Centre and other public building assets, and Tameside General Hospital;
  • Renewable resources – The potential for a number of cluster/single turbine wind power sites along the Eastern fringe of Tameside, mine water geothermal at Ashton Moss and Wood Park, the use of biomass residue from the Pennine Edge Forest and large local processors, opportunities for hydroelectric generation on the Rivers Tame, Medlock and Etherow, and sewage gas generation from United Utilities’ wastewater treatment works;


The study creates the opportunity to relate these and other opportunities to local implementation of the AGMA target framework and Tameside’s emerging LDF energy policies.

Project blog