Squash In Use
The Squash building opened in May 2018. Since then has been a place to meet and eat for residents of Liverpool 8 and those from further afield. URBED and Carbon Coop held our joint Christmas Party there in December 2018 - with Squash very kindly catering for a group of twenty of us with a delicious vegetarian three course meal, allowing us to warm up after a cold walking tour of L8.
We take an interest in the buildings we work on even after they are finished, so during Spring 2019 we have been working with a student from the University of Sheffield to carry out a post occupancy evaluation of the project - now that it's been in use for almost a year. This considered the views of staff and users, as well as looking at energy use and building systems - and is something we will learn from for this project, helping Squash to adjust building systems and processes, as well as using the knowledge gained in future projects.