Sustainability workshop

On Friday 1st March our 6th year LULU Atelier students had a full-day sustainability workshop with Helen Grimshaw of URBED. 

This workshop was an interactive session, encompassing some theory (e.g. what do we mean by sustainability), but most importantly, encouraging the students to critically engage with their emerging masterplan and assess how well it meets particular objectives in relation to people, the environment and economy.

The day was structured around three main themes (people, planet and closing the loop), which were then broken down into topic areas. Students were encouraged to consider how the masterplan framework can enable a high standard of environmental performance and meet the needs of users – but also identify risks and consider some of the realities of the development process once the masterplan goes to detailed design and is built out.

In the last session of the day we shared learning, with each student developing some key actions and areas for focus as they further develop their masterplan.

