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Videos from Indian Urban Futures event

Wednesday 12th July, 2017

A series of videos from the event run by the URBED Trust in partnership with the Urban Design Group are now available to view here.  


India's Urban Futures:  Transformation of urban form in north India The Haveli and the Villa

Sunand Prasad, past President of the RIBA and senior partner at Penoyre and Prasad


Smarter Urbanisation in Southern India

Dr Nicholas Falk, economist and urbanist, founder of urbed (Urbanism Environment Design), Executive Director of the Urbed Trust and the impetus behind the India's Urban Futures Symposium.


Urban Form and Connectivity

Jas Bhalla, architect, town planner, and urban designer.


Being Smart about Water in Indian Cities

Sowmya Parthasarathy is an Associate Director in Arup's Integrated City Planning Group.


The Mainstreaming of sustainable social housing in India project (MaS-SHIP).

Rajat Gupta, Professor of Architecture and Climate Change at Oxford Brookes, Director of the Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD)

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