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Smart Cities: Learning from the pioneers

Monday 4th May, 2020

"To be truly smart, cities must embrace the digital revolution: but that is not enough. They must become fully intelligent, joining up different innovations in a sustainable urban framework. The DNA of a Smart City is a triple helix where economic success, quality of life and good urban management are interlocked. Smart Cities need first class infrastructure and centres of learning and innovation. Excellent digital, social and business networks must make the connections that enable knowledge exchange. The city must have pro-active leadership committed to sustaining its smart credentials over many years."

In this new report Dr Nicholas Falk and Dr Richard Simmons of the URBED Trust take key lessons from pioneering Smart Cities that can be applied in other places. They set out seven steps from vision to results for those who want to lead the next frontier of the digital revolution.

The authors emphasise the relevance of the report in light of the current crisis:

"Faced with the devastating impacts of the Coronavirus, people throughout the world are changing their behaviour. Remote working has replaced face-to-face meetings. People have stopped commuting. They rely on their laptops and smart phones instead. Never has the value of the digital revolution been clearer. As we emerge from the pandemic it is vital that cities do not waste this crisis. In the tough economic environment that will mark recovery they must become truly smart.

Encouragingly, the OECD predicts that medium-sized cities are where we can expect the greatest growth. Many UK urban areas are in this category. Learning from seven Smart City pioneers - Cambridge, Freiburg, Grenoble, Palo Alto, Singapore, Manchester and Masdar City - we show how British towns and cities can seize a great opportunity to lead our national recovery and boost their own prosperity."




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