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On the Home Front - tackling the issue of domestic energy efficiency

Friday 9th October, 2015

Can households dramatically reduce their energy consumption? What can the social sciences tell us about the most effective policies? And, how do the UK government's existing policies measure up to what cutting-edge research and practical experience tells us? 

The University of Manchester's Sustainable Consumption Institute and the Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand are bringing together leading thinkers from the world of social science, policy and practice to grapple with challenges of reducing household energy use. 

The event features a participatory workshop, networking reception and expert panel Q&A. Facilitated by Jonathan Atkinson from Carbon Co-op and the Sustainable Consumption Institute's Dr Victoria Johnson. The panel includes URBED's Marianne Heaslip (architect), Dr Mari Martiskainen (Centre on Innovation and Energy Demand), Councillor Kate Chappell and Juliet Davenport (CEO Good Energy).



4pm - 5:30pm workshop

5:30pm - 7:30pm networking

8pm - 9pm panel Q&A, Thursday 5th November 2015



The Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6DD


To book follow the link on the right.



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