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Britain can still improve at sport

Tuesday 2nd October, 2012

Nicholas Falk was asked to comment on the legacy of the Olympic games by Londons Evening Standard.  His letter was published in the paper Tuesday 11 September 2012 pg 54.  It reads:


FOR centuries the East End has been west and cental London's poor relation, the place where the dirty work gets done.  Many will have been astonished not just by the physical clean-up that has taken place but by the complex railway infrastructure and exciting new developments in places such as Stratford and Bow. 

The Legacy, howver, also needs to attract upwardly mobile families to stay.  THis will require a very different approach to the Athletes' village, which is entirely made up of apartments. 

London should be looking to other ciites, such as Malmo and Freiburg, for how to create truly sustainable eco-quartersm that include houses with their own patch of open space.  Above all this means making smaller sites available on financial terms that allow for innovationm and not selling off sites to the highest bidder. 

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