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Bright Green Future

Thursday 24th May, 2018

Our friends at the Centre for Sustainable Energy are looking for young people to take part in Bright Green Future, a training programme to create a new generation of environmental leaders. 

URBED have provided placements on the programme in the past, and we're happy to support recruitment to this initiative. 

They're looking for exceptional future leaders aged 14-17 with an interest in making a real difference to reducing the impacts of climate change to take part in our one year programme starting in September 2018.

Being a part of Bright Green Future will provide the knowledge, skills and confidence to embark on a career path which could influence decisions on energy and climate change.

This exciting opportunity is open for registration now. Participants will carry out activities including:

  • Training and learning - both face to face and online training sessions covering various topics on sustainability, environmental leadership and green careers
  • Mentoring – from a member of staff at the Centre for Sustainable Energy
  • Work placement - a work placement at a professional organisation affecting local or national energy policy such as local authorities, governmental agencies, or environmental and landscape planning bodies
  • Local projects - running simple low carbon projects such as a school eco-day or green week, providing local home energy advice, energy auditing, carrying out desk based renewable energy studies, making a short film or many more
  • Residential course - a four day summer school to meet other participants and take part in workshops, talks and activities

Bright Green Future is managed by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), an established and respected energy charity with a huge range of experience in delivering projects that support people to reduce their energy use, providing resources to help community energy projects to develop, researching impacts of energy policy and much more. CSE staff will be on hand to support and mentor participants throughout the duration of the programme.

For more information and to find the application form please visit: Bright Green Future and follow @BrightGrnFuture

Bright Green Future is part of a Big Lottery funded project called Our Bright Future, aimed at empowering young people to lead progressive change in their communities and local environment. See www.ourbrightfuture.co.uk for more details.

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  • Photo Credit: CSE