
Thursday 3rd January, 2013
Thursday 3rd January, 2013
Friday 7th December, 2012
Tuesday 27th November, 2012
Monday 5th November, 2012
Tuesday 16th October, 2012
Tuesday 2nd October, 2012
Tuesday 25th September, 2012
Thursday 20th September, 2012

Bread and Houses

Monday 5th November, 2012

2Up 2Down has recieved further positive write-ups recently in the national press.

The Guardian's 'Northerner' blog praised the brilliant mix of 'art theatre and social action' of the 'Anfield Home' tour.

It also featured in a write up of the wider Liverpool Biennial in the Architects Journal.

And on a related issue, Marianne has written a 'Soapbox' piece for the AECB on the lack of joined up thinking between the empty homes agenda and energy efficient retrofit - where you can join the debate on the AECB member forum.

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