
Thursday 3rd January, 2013
Thursday 3rd January, 2013
Friday 7th December, 2012
Tuesday 27th November, 2012
Monday 5th November, 2012
Tuesday 16th October, 2012
Tuesday 2nd October, 2012
Tuesday 25th September, 2012
Thursday 20th September, 2012

AECB 'Re-energise' Convention

Saturday 18th August, 2018

URBED's Marianne Heaslip will be speaking at the AECB's 'Re-energise' Convention taking place on 14th and 15th September in Herefordshire. With Jonathan Atkinson from Carbon Coop she will be reviewing the past five years of work in Greater Manchester developing a member-led approach to building a market for deep retrofit, and where things might go next.

The convention features a host of exciting speakers and workshops, as well as site visits and tours of low-carbon building projects - it's also a great opportunity for informed debate and discussion. You can see the whole programme here and book a place here