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Academy of Urbanism journal: issue 10

Wednesday 29th November, 2017

In the latest edition of Here & Now, the Academy of Urbanism's journal, Dr Nicholas Falk of the URBED Trust has two features. Follow the link on the right to read the journal. 


Making it happen

The Urbanism Awards provide important inspiration and lots of good ideas for what a great city, neighbourhood or street should look like. But how to get there from here remains largely unresolved and involves tackling social and economic as well as physical issues. So in this review, Dr Nicholas Falk AoU considers a few recent guides, before suggesting what place leadership might involve.


Going to scale: fixing our broken housing market

The government’s Housing White Paper provides a vital opportunity to engage with one of the biggest issues of our time, next to Brexit, which is how to double housing output and make our cities fairer and more sustainable. To respond to it, a group led by Jon Rowland AoU put together a volume of evidence, and the results have been turned into an illustrated report now published on The Academy of Urbanism website. Nicholas Falk AoU and Jon Rowland AoU report.

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