LGBT Centre User Group Meeting and Press Release
Yesterday we attended the Centre's User Group meeting and presented some initial thoughts about refurbishing and extending the building. The group gave really interesting feedback bout the layouts and design strategy. It was good to have the opportunity to speak with a variety of users from the different groups who use the centre. We are planning on visiting some existing Pupil Referral Units in Greater Manchester as well as some commercial kitchens to help inform the designs.
LGBT Youth North West, the organisation who manage the LGBT Centre, have issued a press release about receiving the funding for their feasibility study. The story has been picked up by mainstream newspapers and tabloids. The strategic director, Amelia Lee, was also interviewed on Radio 4's today programme this morning. You can read of the LGBT Centre's official press release here.
There will be a walking tour delivered in February as part of the LGBT History Festival on the history of the original centre's funding, design and construction centre, more details soon!