Growing A Garden City for Smarter Growth: A Transport Workshop to Model and Learn from Oxfordshire
In November 2014, a workshop was held at Keble College, Oxford to bring together researchers and research users with an interest in the future development of Oxfordshire.
The conference was chaired by Dr Nicholas Falk and four leading thinkers illustrated key transport research findings including:
i) The Housing Crisis in Oxford - the need for expansion and development
Professor Danny Dorling - Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, Oxford
ii) Developing a Spatial Growth and Investment Strategy for Oxfordshire
Bev Hindle - Deputy Director: Strategy, Infrastructure and Planning, Oxfordshire County Council
iii) Urban Rapid Transit - the economic impacts of Light Rail Transit
Dr Fiona Ferbrache - Visiting Research Associate, Transport Studies Unit, Oxford.
iv) Funding Infrastructure through Land Value Uplift
Pete Redman - Managing Director Policy and Research, TradeRisks Ltd
A report which was produced to summarise the event is available under downloads >