First Consultation Workshop - Thank you

Thank you to all those who attended the workshop on Wednesday 13th March. 37 local residents, businesses and stakeholders participated at the event and shared some great ideas about Garston.

URBED will be developing the masterplan options over the next few weeks. Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to date with progress and to get information on the next consultation events.

A report on the first workshop event is now available to view under downloads >


Here are some comments from the event:

Garston Today

You said:

  1. The High Street needed improving, there are too many vacant shops and not enough variety.
  2. There should be more green open space, under-used and industrial sites should be opened up to the public.
  3. Regeneration should be inclusive of Garston Under the Bridge as well as the Village.


A Future Garston

You said:

  1. The high street should offer a wide variety of bars, restaurants and cafes, like Lark Lane or Allterton Road.
  2. You wanted to see more high quality housing in the area with a mix of tenures.
  3. Garston should be a destination and offer spaces to shop, relax and enjoy.



Participants at URBED's roundtable workshop in Garston



Participants at URBED's roundtable workshop in Garston